Release 202407.1.4, Artikel aangepast op 1/8
Zojuist hebben we een update gedaan aan de BI omgeving!
We synchroniseren nu nog meer informatie, zodat je nog betere dashboards en rapportages kan maken!
Het datamodel wat nu beschikbaar is, is het volgende:
Table | Description |
company | Companies |
company_company | Table to determine the relation between companies (vestiging/moederbedrijf) |
company_extrafields | Extrafields for companies |
competence | Competences |
course | All planned courses |
course_company | Companies which are connected to incompany courses |
course_daypart | Dayparts belonging to courses |
course_extrafields | Extrafields for courses |
course_label | Labels connected to courses |
coursetemplate | Coursetemplates |
coursetemplate_daypart | Dayparts beloning to coursetemplates |
daypart | Dayparts |
daypart_extrafields | Extrafields for dayparts |
daypart_instructor | Instructors plannend on a daypart |
daypart_label | Labels connected to a daypart |
daypart_location | Locations planned for a daypart |
daypart_material | Materials reserved for a daypart |
daypart_student | Students plannend on a daypart |
daypart_task | Tasks to do for a daypart |
employee | Employees of your own company |
employee_competence | Competences of own employees |
employee_extrafields | Extrafields for own employees |
instructor | Instructors |
instructor_competence | Instructors compentences |
instructor_extrafields | Instructors extrafields |
label | Labels |
location | Locations where coursedayparts can be given |
material | Materials which can be reserved for dayparts |
student | Students (both private and from companies) |
student_code95 | Code95 periodes/amount for a student |
student_competence | Competencens for a student |
student_course | Followed courses by students (history) |
student_extrafields | Extrafields for students |
task | Tasks which can be done for dayparts |